Graduation Certificate


Graduation Certificate

Awarding of Degrees

With effect from the 2022/23 graduates, the University confers degrees three times a year:
    1. Undergraduate students completing graduation requirements, degrees are conferred in August;
    2. Postgraduate students completing graduation requirements during the Spring Semester, degrees are conferred in August;
    3. Postgraduate students completing graduation requirements during the Summer Semester, the degrees are conferred in October;
    4. Postgraduate students completing graduation requirements during the Fall Semester, the degrees are conferred in March.
    Please also note that only one congregation will be held each year, which normally takes place in late November or early December.

    Collection of Graduation Certificate
    (Applicable to graduating class after the Congregation has been held)

    Graduates may collect your degree certificate at Registry Office (RHB305-6, Research Complex High Block) during the office hours:

    Office Hours:
    (Mon to Fri) 9:30am to 12:30pm; 2:00pm to 5:00pm
    (Sat) Closed
    Closed on Sunday, University Holidays & Public Holidays
    (University Holidays include 24/12/2024 to 1/1/2025; 28/1/2025 to 4/2/2025)

    Location for collection:

    Room Programme
    RHB 305, Research Complex High Block Undergraduate Programmes in Faculties of Commerce and Social Sciences: Accounting, Business Administration, Economics & Finance, Law & Business, Counselling and Psychology, Psychology, Social Work and Sociology
    RHB 306, Research Complex High Block All Postgraduate Programmes;
    Undergraduate Programmes in Faculty of Arts:
    Chinese Language & Literature, English, History and Journalism & Mass Communication

    You are reminded to present your HKID card / SYU student card to collect your graduation certificate. If you are unable to make the collection in-person, authorization (signed letter of authorization in original together with a copy of your identity card/student card) is required.

    Template of Authorization Letter

    Important Notes:

    Please be reminded that Graduation certificate of the University is a unique document, no duplicate copy will be issued. Graduate may apply for a Proof of "Loss of Graduation Certificate" via Application for Testimonial at: in case of loss or damage to an original certificate.